
Full Membership

Full Membership (Solar Companies)

This is open to registered solar companies that have been active in the solar renewable energy industry in Uganda for at least two years and subscribe to this constitution.

Full Membership (Organizations)

This is open to registered companies, development partners, NGOs, academic institutions, and other organizations that have been active in the solar energy industry in Uganda for at least 2 years and subscribe to this constitution but are not necessarily solar companies.

Full Membership (Individual)

This is open to any individual person or professional that has demonstrated strong commitment to solar energy and has been active in the industry in Uganda for at least 2 years and subscribes to this constitution provided that he/she fulfills his/her obligations to the association

Associate Membership

This is open to registered companies, organizations and individuals that have interest in the solar energy, but have not been active in the solar renewable energy industry in Uganda for at least 2 years and do not qualify for full membership. Associate members will enjoy all the rights of full members excluding voting and holding offices.